Rajasthan lacks docs to cure deadly silicosis

Jaipur: The State Pneumoconiosis Board, which should have dealt with deadly silicosis disease prevalent among the mine workers in Rajasthan, is lying defunct ever since its inception in 2004. More importantly the state which has been claiming to spend a whopping sum...

Silicosis victims give memorandum to govt office

Memorandum प्रदर्शंकारियो ने 12 सूत्रीय मागों का ज्ञापन पन्ना एस डी यम ओ पी सोनी को सौपा। सिलिकोसिस को लेकर मजदूरों ने किया प्रदर्शन  सिलिकोसिस पीड़ित मजदूरों ने सौपा ज्ञापन सडको से जेल पहुचे सैकड़ो मजदूर सिलिकोसिस पीड़ित मजदूरों ने दी गिरप्तारी मांगे दर्जन भर से...

Occupational health a neglected area in India

VADODARA: In India, where labour is cheap and industrial workers aplenty, it should not come as a surprise to know that occupational health is a neglected field in which no comprehensive data or surveys are available. This was the message coming out at a seminar on...

Khambhat agate workers living in bitter conditions

VADODARA: A first of its kind survey done by People’s Training and Research Centre (PTRC) – an NGO -among the agate workers of Khambhat has thrown up some shocking facts, which adds to the troubles of policy makers who haven’t even found a solution...